Episode 5

EPISODE 5 consists of the following FIVE meetings:

💫 Meeting #1:

  • What is gravity?. Does everything fall at the same rate?
  • What are the gravitational waves?

💫 Meeting #2:

  • How do airplanes fly?. How do they manage to turn?
  • And how does a spaceship manage to turn?

💫 Meeting #3:

  • What would happen if we poured a bucket of water into space?
  • How do we know the Earth’s age?

💫 Meeting #4:

  • Why are the planet’s orbits elliptical and not circular?
  • What is static electricity?

💫 Meeting #5:

  • Does any of the planetary obits ever intersect another one?
  • Could the Earth be stopped?. What would happen in that case?