Welcome to this cosmic adventure!
“Let’s talk about the Universe!” is a program for kids and teens (ages 6 to 15) interested in astronomy, cosmology, physics and science in general, aimed at triggering (or deepening) their innate capacity to have fun finding things out.
Before telling you more about it, let me tell you something:
They LOVE it!
In 2018, I was living in the United States, and it had been a year since I had decided not to continue with my academic career after my postdoctoral studies in Italy. I had thoroughly enjoyed my years of scientific research, but by then, I had been feeling a strong desire to share with others everything I knew and was passionate about. One day, as I reminisced about my childhood and adolescence, recalling all the things I had done or attempted to do as a child to get closer to the astronomy I loved so much, I realized that I needed to work with children. I felt the need and the desire not only to teach them about science, particularly the field that I enjoyed the most and in which I was most knowledgeable, but also to provide them with a space, a support system for those boys and girls who were interested in space and perhaps felt a bit alone in their passion. And that’s how I started this project that has revealed itself to be one of the most beautiful and fulfilling endeavors I have undertaken in my life.
I believe that there is no real and well grounded learning without critical thinking and reasoning, without interest and enthusiasm, without passion. In my point of view, when knowledge is systematically incorporated under those conditions, it becomes wisdom.
And wisdom sets us free, in every sense.
In the last two years, through online meetings I have been enjoying the beauty of the Universe and investigating its origin and components with more than 500 kids and teens in Argentina and other countries. The idea of these virtual encounters is to provide children and teenagers the opportunity to think critically and discuss about the universe, to express what they think about nature, to share it with others, and of course, to learn astonishing facts about outer space and our planet.
Kids love science in the same way they love dancing. If we give them the chance and the tools, their eagerness and curiosity can find no bounds!
They are all welcome to this cosmic adventure!
Please visit the different sections of this website for more detailed information!